Anita Adokpela Interview With Sammy SAS @realsammysas

Anita Adokpela Interview With Sammy SAS | @realsammysas

I believe alot of people can learn good and bad things from the media. Words from Nollywood actress Anita Adokpela. On his exclusive celebrity of the week interview, with star Reporter, Sammy Sas.

Sammy Sas: Please can we meet you?

Anita Adokpela: My name is Anita Adokpela. I’m from Benue State and proudly Idoma. I’m a Nollywood actress but I’ve a job on the side

Sammy Sas: So tell us how was growing up like?

Anita Adokpela: Growing up for me was fun but I had to follow a lot of rules being the daughter of a  major general. I have 5 brothers and 1 sister so you can imagine the house when there are 7 children, we were basically each other’s friends. I had to read alot of books and give my dad feedback of what I learnt from each book, my relationship with my dad made me grow so faster than my mates but I have no regrets.

Sammy Sas: Tell us why did you choose acting?

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Anita Adokpela: When I was in secondary school my mum would bring home movies and after watching I learnt a lot from some of them. I believe alot of people can learn good and bad things through the media. So I said to myself,one day i could be an actress you know and by acting I can pass a message across to the viewers in my own way. So decided to bring in my own style cos I have a vision which I intend to show people in the nearest future

Sammy Sas: So did you later go into the higher institution, to study it?

Anita Adokpela: Nah I didn’t. I have a degree in Business Administration and currently I’m undergoing a masters (MBA) Human Resources. While am in school I suggested acting to my family but the only person who supported my idea was my mum, and in my final year in 2010 i decided to try it out. That was when I did my first movie in Ghana called “Under My Pillow”

Sammy Sas: How is it like working in Ghana’s movie industry as an upcoming Nigerian actress?

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Anita Adokpela: It wasn’t really difficult for me because my prouducer is a Nigerian who only shoots his movies in Ghana and returns to Lagos where he has his office so it was a combination of both the Nigerians and Ghanaians. It was a wonderful experience, getting to meet new people and working with people I was always seeing on tv.

Sammy Sas: So when did your professional career start?

Anita Adokpela: I’d say 2015 cos after my first movie in 2010 i went MIA and then a year later I did a couple of movies and the next year same thing, I was off and on. But I’ve been  working on a lot of project recently so I’m back on track .

Sammy Sas: So tell us about some major projects you have featured in since the inception of your career?

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Anita Adokpela: Well some are under post production and I’m not allowed to disclose them but just a few you can look out for is The Vow, Today’s women, ss3 students, Another man’s wife, Blind game and the list continues

Sammy Sas: Name three actors/actress, local or international that you would love to work with?

Anita Adokpela: Ok i would love to work with Eva Longoria, Rita Dominic and Ramsey Nouah that doesn’t mean I dont have some other people in mind tho. There are alot of people I respect and would like to work with in the industry

Sammy Sas: Who is your favourite director?

Anita Adokpela: Kunle Afolayan

Sammy Sas: With your experience in both the Nigerian and Ghana film industry,what do you think is the major challenge in the industry?

Anita Adokpela: Mainly the piracy is one of the major challenge we are having. The entertainment industry has improved in recent times and alot of good work has been released. I believe if we have faith in our people it will get better

Sammy Sas: So you see Nollywood getting as far as the Oscar’s award?

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Anita Adokpela: Well I’m a go getter and I believe nothing is impossible as far as you set your heart to it. So it depends on the zeal our film makers have, some day we might get there

Sammy Sas: On a scale of 1- 10 how well do you know your culture and traditions?

Anita Adokpela: 7

Sammy Sas: So which local meal can you prepare very well?

Anita Adokpela: Ofe Nsala and Edikaikong

Sammy Sas: That’s very creative of you;but that’s not from your ethnic group abi?

Anita Adokpela: That’s Delta and Akwa Ibom, I like trying new things and food is one of it

Sammy Sas: So what’s your favourite meal and colour?

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Anita Adokpela: Favourite meal: fried rice and prawns. Favourite color: black

Sammy Sas: What’s your favourite quote?

Anita Adokpela: “If the words you spoke appeared on your skin would you still be beautiful”

Sammy Sas: Awesome!

Anita Adokpela: Thanks

Sammy Sas: So apart from Jesus, who is your favourite character in the Bible?

Anita Adokpela: Paul

Sammy Sas: Your favourite Bible verse is?

Anita Adokpela: Isaiah 60

Sammy Sas: So tell us are you a wife material or a serving wife?

Anita Adokpela: Really I can’t rate myself, that’s a job for other people to do

Sammy Sas: So you are married?

Anita Adokpela: Not yet

Sammy Sas: That means you still a wife material. Tell us where  you see your career in five year’s time?

Anita Adokpela: I have great plans and believe I would become a household name in 5years most especially I have a brand I’m bringing in, though I can’t talk about it now ‘cos I’m still pregnant with the idea but it’s going to be major

Sammy Sas: So apart from Nollywood, what’s else are you currently into?

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Anita Adokpela: I work with Negro Security Guards Limited as the Business Development Manager

Sammy Sas: Interesting…. so tell us how are you able to combine your entertainment personality and being a business development manager for a security firm?

Anita Adokpela: It’s not a full time job, but it’s coming along well

Sammy Sas: So what’s your advise to upcoming actress/actors?

Anita Adokpela: The industry isn’t easy for the new comers but I’ll say, stay true to yourself and what you believe in. Work hard and Pray hard, determination will get you there.

Sammy Sas: So how can your fans reach you on social media?

Anita Adokpela: Okay. InstaGram – @anitaadokpela
Snapchat @Dyza
Those are basically the two social media account I maintain, I’m not into Twitter and the rest

Sammy Sas: So finally your last words to your fans out there?

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Anita Adokpela: I just want to say thank you to those of you who belive in me and love what I’m doing, I love you all too and I promise to carry you along all through. Keep supporting one another and work hard ‘cos the world will be better if we have people who support each other. Remain blessed

Sammy Sas: Thank you so much for your time dear and I wish you an amazing career ahead..

Anita Adokpela: Thanks a lot dear and thanks for having me

I know you have enjoyed this interview, make it a date with me, next week on your favorite NgospelMedia – No. 1, International Urban Gospel Blog. For more info follow Me @RealSammySAS Till next week, have a Blissful Week Ahead, Deuces!

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