Noel Emp'raw Interview With Sammy Sas @NoelEmpraw @RealSammySAS @NgospelMedia

Noel Emp’raw Interview With Sammy Sas | @NoelEmpraw @RealSammySAS @NgospelMedia

Keep doing what you do, trust God and learn to be flexible with your  plans.Words from Nigerian Born, Hip Hop artist, Noel Emp’raw. On his exclusive celebrity of the week  chat interview, hosted by Sammy Sas.

Sammy Sas: Pls can we meet you?

Noel Emp’raw: My name is Noel Onoja and stage name Noel Empraw, I’m a musician and a writer, I was born in Abuja where I also grew up

Sammy Sas: So tell us about your early stage in life growing up?

Noel Emp’raw: Growing up was modest, school was compulsory, and our parents were liberal enough to let us pursue a dream and nurse our talents, that was the period of Walkman, video games, ipods and later the Internet there was so much to learn so we had to learn as quickly as we could

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Sammy Sas: At what point did you discovered you had passion for music?

Noel Emp’raw: At about 12 years, although I started out being a member of a children theatre group called Bazik Theatre where we learnt stage play, drama and poetry, from there it graduated to music few years later

Sammy Sas: So what type of music,do you do?

Noel Emp’raw: Basically Hip hop music

Sammy Sas: So what’s your definition of Hip Hop?

Noel Emp’raw: Hiphop in itself is a culture formed in the 70s by Africans in the US, it’s main components were MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching, break dancing and graffiti writing, Hiphop is today a global phenomenon with it’s music genre at the centre of it all, more like a lifestyle to millions of people now

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Sammy Sas: So who are your target audience,with your message as a Hip hop artiste?

Noel Emp’raw: The average everyday lover of good music and the message goes out to all who appreciate humanity and true purposefulness

Sammy Sas: Kindly tell us about some of your achievements/major moment since the inception of your professional career?

Noel Emp’raw: Every moment I put out a new record and I get a message from fans like “thank you for this I love it” this brings moment of fulfilment,  but some notable was when my single “Number One” made it to top spot across radio charts not just in Nigeria but also played in US, Australia and the UK, I was also nominated as Brand Ambassador in 2013 by the CBN for the cashless policy awareness tour program – a great honour for me and most recently commendations from some of the world’s biggest music stakes I hold in high esteem.

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Sammy Sas: Any album out?

Noel Emp’raw: Non yet, just singles

Sammy Sas: Which artist’s influenced your music?

Noel Emp’raw: Artistes like Bob Marley, Miriam Makeba, 2pac, Wyclef Jean,  Nas, Common, Tuface, just to say a few
Noel Emp’raw: And also I love Nathaniel Bassey

Sammy Sas: Name three Nigerian Gospel musicians you would love to do a collaboration with?

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Noel Emp’raw: Lol Given the opportunity, offcourse Frank Edward, Nathaniel Bassey and Ada

Sammy Sas: So what do you think is the major challenge,facing Hip hop music with positive content,in Nigeria?

Noel Emp’raw: I think there aren’t enough of it at the moment, musicians need to put out (and push) more materials with positive contents

Sammy Sas: So on a scale of 1-10 how well do you know your culture and tradition?

Noel Emp’raw: Lol I’ll put it between 6 and 7

Sammy Sas: Which ethnic group/state are you from?

Noel Emp’raw: The Igala ethnic group of Kogi State

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Sammy Sas: So which local meal can you prepare very well?

Noel Emp’raw: Hahaha ?
Noel Emp’raw: I can attempt the local delicacy called “oboi egwa”  that’s soup made from beans with pounded yam, mum taught me this

Sammy Sas: Classic ???
Sammy Sas: Is that your favourite?

Noel Emp’raw: Hahahaha yesso I love it!

Sammy Sas: What’s your favourite colour?

Noel Emp’raw: Black and white

Sammy Sas: Apart from Jesus, who is your favourite character in the Bible?

Noel Emp’raw: Yea, David is the man lol

Sammy Sas: What was that thing you liked about David, if I may ask?

Noel Emp’raw: First, Dude was extremely courageous to have stood up to Goliath and secondly it was recorded that he was a man after God’s heart inspite of his shortcomings, he would make mistakes and fall but his reconciliation game was on point because he always put God first

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Sammy Sas: Oya chop  am ??
Sammy Sas: So what’s your favourite Bible verse?

Noel Emp’raw: ????
Noel Emp’raw: Isaiah 43:2

Sammy Sas: If you were to be an animal,which animal would you pick?

Noel Emp’raw: Hahaha would be a lion fam

Sammy Sas: Ose! Daniel standard!

Noel Emp’raw: Hahaha you know this!

Sammy Sas: Who are your favourite public speakers?

Noel Emp’raw: Don’t know much of them, and depending on the occasion, but I like to hear men like Paul Adeferasin, David Ibieyomi and President Trump speak

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Sammy Sas: A Republican?

Noel Emp’raw: Naa I am not partisan
Sammy Sas: ?

Noel Emp’raw: Yup!

Sammy Sas: So what your advice to upcoming and aspiring Hip Hop heads?

Noel Emp’raw: Keep doing what you do, trust God and learn to be flexible with your  plans

Sammy Sas: Awesome ??
Sammy Sas: So how can your fans reach you on social media?

Noel Emp’raw: Reach me on social media /Twitter/Instagram: @NoelEmpraw or mail my management at

Sammy Sas: So your last words to your fans out there

Noel Emp’raw: I appreciate and love you guys

Sammy Sas: Thank you so much for your time fam

Noel Emp’raw: You are welcome bro




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