Kenny K'ore Week Interview with Sammy SAS @Kennykore @RealSammySAS @NgospelMedia

Kenny K’ore Week Interview with Sammy SAS | @Kennykore @RealSammySAS @NgospelMedia

I left Infinity because i was convinced it was the right thing to do at the time. Words, coming from a former member of the Infinity group, Kenny K’ore.

Here is what he has to say in this exclusive interview with
star reporter, Sammy Sas.

Sammy Sas: pls can we meet you?
Kenny K’ore: I am Kehinde Olumide Akinbode. I’m yoruba, from Abeokuta in Ogun State of Nigeria. I’m moderately educated, a husband, and a father.
I’m a song writer, producer, and a singer.
Sammy Sas: When did you realised you had a passion for music?
Kenny K’ore: Music has been in my family forever. There seems to be a soundtrack for every memory i have growing up. So i can’t remember exactly when i started singing, and writing but i knew sometime into the creating of the group Infinity, i decided it was what i
wanted to do as a profession.
Sammy Sas: what type of music, do you do?
Kenny K’ore: I write as I’m inspired. I am not limited to a type of sound. My music is a fusion of a wide array of genre’s, sounds that i grew up singng. So at best , my sound is eclectic.
Sammy Sas: with all the glamour and trend enjoyed by the secular musicians, tell me why did you choose to do Gospel music?
Kenny K’ore: I gave my life to Jesus Christ, and i don’t take it back whenever i want to do a song.
Sammy Sas: please tell us about your achievement in the industry, since the inception of your career?
Kenny K’ore: I’ve won several awards both with Infinity, and after my exit from the group.
I’ve collaborated, and supported several up coming artists. But nothing beats the joy i get from people when they testify that, K’ore’s music has brought them closer to GOD.
Sammy Sas: Please tell us, how did the group infinity, started?
Kenny K’ore: Infinity started when we were in secondary school. We were leaders of the school fellowship, and wanted a music group for the fellowship. That was how the group started.
Sammy Sas: With one official album released, and many awards, to the credit of the group infinity, at the time when Nigerians, were expecting the second album of the group and more amazing videos, at that time, suddenly, we heard of the group, break-up. What really happened? especially when your debute solo single came out first?
Kenny K’ore: I left Infinity because i was convinced it was the right thing to do at the time.
It was difficult, and wasn’t logical, downright senseless thing to do, but it was what i had to do. I told my brothers in the band, who didn’t like the idea, we prayed with
our pastor, and they let Kenny go. It’s been over 9 years now , and GOD has been faithful.
Sammy Sas: with your experience in the Nigeria, Gospel music industry, what do you think is the major challenge?
Kenny K’ore: There is no gospel music industry. What you have is a handful of people like myself, dedicated to providing wholesome family entertainment, and devotional sounds.
To have an industry, we need structure, structure, structure. Then perhaps our craft can be bankable.
Sammy Sas: On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know your tradition and custom?
Kenny K’ore: I’m pretty knowledge in the tradition of the Yoruba people, the etymology of our ancestry, our culture, values, and of cause of sound. On a scale of 1-10, I’ll say 6. Above average, which is debatable. *smiles*.
Sammy Sas: which local meal,can you prepare very well?
Kenny K’ore: I can several local, Yoruba delicacies, although i don’t need to, thanks to my wife. I can cook ‘efo elegusi, and ‘orisirisi’. I can also stir ‘eba’, or ‘amala’ to go with it.
Sammy Sas: what’s your favourite meal?
Kenny K’ore: I don’t have a favorite meal.
Sammy Sas: who is your role-model?
Kenny K’ore: Jesus, the Christ is my role model.
Sammy Sas: If you were asked to do a collaboration, with three secular musicians,who would you pick?
Kenny K’ore: I love Asa, Tuface, Lagbaja, but I’ll probably never collaborate on a song with them. The problem of collaborating with secular is, one minute they may be doing
decent song, the next minute they are in raunchy videos singing vulgar or sexually explicit lyrics.
Sammy Sas: Apart from music,what else do you do?
Kenny K’ore: I’m in the arts: the creativity of arts, business of arts, and ministry of arts. That’s all i do.
Sammy Sas: Do you think there is a chance for the Nigeria Gospel music, getting a shot at the Grammy’s?
Kenny K’ore: I think a serious gospel artist should not concern him/herself with winning awards. Rather, in blessing lives.
Sammy Sas: where do you see your career in the next five years?
Kenny K’ore: I hope, if the Messiah tarry, that i would keep making life changing music.
Sammy Sas: Are you single or married?
Kenny K’ore: married with two kids.
Sammy Sas: what’s your favourite quote?
Kenny K’ore: My favorite quote is: READ YOUR BIBLE, MEDITATE, PRAY, AND
Sammy Sas: Apart from Jesus, who is your favourite character, in the Bible?
Kenny K’ore: David.
Sammy Sas: your last words, for your fans.
Kenny K’ore: Study to show yourself approved, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Sammy Sas: Thanks for your time bro..
Kenny K’ore: Thank you for having me.
Shalom and cheers.

I know you have enjoyed this interview, make it a date with me, next week on your favorite NgospelMedia – No. 1, International Urban Gospel Blog. For more info follow Me @RealSammySAS. Till next week, have a Blissful Week Ahead, Deuces!

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